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Advanced PE

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Physical Education, Sports and Fitness resources




Physical Education, Sports and Fitness resources
Ergogenic Aids A Level PE

Ergogenic Aids A Level PE

A Level PE Ergogenic Aids (designed for OCR spec but applicable to most) covers pharmacological, physiological and nutritional aids. includes activities and tasks within PP. Includes past paper question examples. you will need to also cover nitrates, creatine, bicarbonate and caffeine for the OCR spec. designed by OCR moderator and experienced curriculum leader. Save yourself hours of work. *now includes a worksheet of questions. You can differentiate this depending on your learners, add challenge tasks or prompt sheets etc
Technology in sport GCSE PE

Technology in sport GCSE PE

Technology in sport. GCSE PE Comprehensive powerpoint Includes thinking hard strategies/tasks that can be used throughout (or not at all) Worksheet provided Past paper questions and mark schemes to finish topic Designed for AQA spec but can be adapted Can use as a flipped learning task and then work on questions Or just use how you feel best or what works for your amazing pupils.
Joints movements and muscles - A Level PE - revision and exam prep

Joints movements and muscles - A Level PE - revision and exam prep

Powerpoint with movement analysis questions you know… the picture and grid you get on most papers, which muscle is the agonist, antagonist, joint type, movement, contraction type. 7 examples with answers 2 x pupils make your own question 1 x fill the gaps for muscle stimulation I use this for revision and exam prep, this for me is one whole lesson, discussing each question and possible variations aimed at OCR but works for any qualification with movement analysis switch any pictures you want
Angular motion A level PE

Angular motion A level PE

Angular motion - A Level PE 21 page powerpoint on Angular motion, angular velocity, moment of inertia, axes of rotation and angular momentum. includes exam style questions, some with exemplar answers and others with essay plans. This is a tough section of the course but I have tried to make it simple and enjoyable for pupils with this animated and interactive powerpoint. designed for the OCR spec but adaptable change slides, add objectives etc as you wish.
Energy, diet, nutrition and hydration GCSE PE

Energy, diet, nutrition and hydration GCSE PE

Energy, diet, nutrition and hydration GCSE PE power point made for AQA spec but easily adapted 10 animated slides with teaching and learning strategies slide 8 can be used as a quiz or discussion or specific learning activity
A Level PE skeletal system and joints

A Level PE skeletal system and joints

A Level PE skeletal system worksheet skeleton labeling types of joints table features of synovial joints table labeling of knee (synovial) joint nice simple clear worksheet that can be used for early physiology lessons if you need answers contact me but I am sure you know them. designed for OCR spec but applicable to all
The Olympic Games OCR A Level PE

The Olympic Games OCR A Level PE

A Level OCR PE Olympic games powerpoint with tasks and questions 31 slides thinking hard strategies info of each key olympic games (for the spec) questions with mark schemes all animated teach over a few lessons depending on lesson length and class
Arousal in Sport GCSE PE

Arousal in Sport GCSE PE

Arousal In sport GCSE PE Powerpoint with tasks, learning strategies, discussion points and past paper question with mark scheme. This powerpoint should take at least 1 lesson to get through (1 hour) gives knowledge of Arousal definition Inverted U theory Arousal control techniques 15 page powerpoint - tasks throughout I hope this helps.
Guidance and Feedback GCSE PE

Guidance and Feedback GCSE PE

Guidance and Feedback power point for GCSE PE. 17 slides with tasks and past paper questions. Can use partly as a flipped learning task. Adapt as you wish for your specific class. Get pupils thinking. designed for AQA but applicable to most boards
Energy intake and expenditure  -A Level PE

Energy intake and expenditure -A Level PE

Energy intake and expenditure. covers Basel metabolic rate, Thermic effect of food, METs, energy, energy intake, expenditure and balance powepoint (12 page) worksheet video -uploaded designed for OCR A Level PE adapt for your learners you can use a prompt sheet to differentiate the worksheet
Impact of training on lifestyle diseases - A Level PE

Impact of training on lifestyle diseases - A Level PE

A level PE Power Point 2 x 5 mark feedback marksheets (or can be used to structure answers) 1 x 10 mark essay/answer planner Feedback sheets relate to past paper questions on powerpoints and the 2nd 5 mark question is adapted to COPD The impact of training on lifestyle diseases. designed for OCR spec but can be used for most covers respiratory and cardiovascular diseases/conditions 19 slides, with information, facts, definitions, tasks and past paper questions. created by OCR moderator save yourself hours of work
Energy systems, Energy for exercise, A level PE

Energy systems, Energy for exercise, A level PE

39 page powerpoint - energy systems designed for A Level PE OCR spec but applicable and adaptable to all covers the 3 energy systems in detail contains tasks, pixl strategies, short questions and past paper questions change objectives and outcomes as you wish note: OCR call the lactic acid sytem the glycolytic system now. designed by OCR moderator and experienced practitioner this would last 3-4 1 hour lessons (plus more time for past paper questions) you could show appropriate videos from youtube to help understanding worksheet to follow save hours planning and take your lessons to the next level with this outstanding and professional powerpoint presentation.
The respiratory system - A Level PE

The respiratory system - A Level PE

Respiratory System - A Level PE (OCR but applicable to most) Worksheet with 5 questions and 2 diagrams to label can be used for flipped learning, cover lesson or questions as you go through a visual guide.
Muscle fibres and recovery A level PE

Muscle fibres and recovery A level PE

Short 6 slide presentation on muscle fibre types and recovery includes several tasks and discussion points. this is just a small section in the muscular system section adapt for your teaching and your pupils